Where Are They Now?
A look back at the links and references that populated “…she’s a flight risk.”
and, by extension, life on the web c. 2003-2006.
Technorati.com |
Hushmail.com |
The Schmoo Group/AirSnort (http://www.shmoo.com) Referenced in: Tools of the Trade Writers of the once indispensable “AirSnort” (“…a wireless LAN (WLAN) tool which recovers encryption keys.”) I wish I remembered more about them, frankly. I am sure that I chatted with one of the members quite a lot back in 2003-2004 but I’ve lost track of who it was. They’ve been running “SchmooCon,” which I really wish I could attend someday. |
Last modified: September 3, 2018 22:21 CET (+01:00)